Tips For Designing Your New Business Sign – Building Brand Visibility
A well-thought-out marketing plan has many parts that meld together to deliver the desired results. Similarly, your business sign is an important tool that can help increase your brand visibility and ultimately result in more customers and sales. Here are some essential tips for designing your new business sign:
Make sure the design is a good fit with the brand identity and message of your company. The colors and fonts you choose communicate a lot about your business. It’s also important to ensure that the design complies with any local zoning or lease regulations for your location.
The most effective business signs are simple, readable, and clear. Keep in mind that people only have a couple of seconds to scan a sign, and they may be distracted by other things going on around them. Your goal is to capture their attention and show them what you have to offer in those few seconds. Make sure the information is clearly visible, and consider using symbols and icons to clarify what type of business it is (a mortar and pestle means pharmacy, for example).
Lastly, make sure the sign has an easily identifiable location on your building or site. A business sign that’s hidden behind an existing wall or other structure can be difficult for passers-by to find, and it will likely be missed. Alternatively, place it where it will be seen by as many customers as possible, such as on a busy street corner or near a major intersection.
Your new business sign should be made of a material that will last and look good over time. Corrugated plastic, vinyl, and metal are all durable options. Choose the material that fits your budget and location, taking into account typical weather conditions and wear and tear.
When choosing a font for your business sign, it’s a good idea to use contrasting sizes to create visual interest and readability. It’s also a good idea to limit the number of different font styles used on your sign, keeping it to two or three at a maximum. Finally, be sure to consider color psychology when designing your sign. For example, black can convey elegance and luxury, while gold evokes wealth and prosperity.
Before committing to a final sign design, get the approval of all stakeholders. This could include business partners, investors, or even the landlord of a leased space. If the landlord isn’t going to be directly involved in constructing or mounting the sign, it’s still a good idea to get their input, as they may be able to suggest changes that can help the design meet zoning and other regulations. Similarly, if the sign is for a storefront that sells alcoholic beverages, it’s important to get the approval of the alcohol control board as well. This can save you a lot of time and headache down the road.
Effective signage is an important part of any business. To get started, consult with the professionals at Corpus Christi Sign Company LLC Independence to develop a strategy that will be sure to elevate your brand. Contact us today to set up a consultation.